Friday, January 25, 2008

The Power of our Thoughts

Welcome Everyone!I am so glad you stopped by, I hope you enjoy your time here and visit often.

My thoughts today are about thoughts and the effect they can have in our lives. I have been in a situation lately where dwelling on pain brought about serious consequences in a person's life. Being an active observer of this I was reminded just how powerful our thoughts are. I have heard too many times to count, the scripture "As a man thinketh so is he." I recognize the power of this and over the past years I have become very conscious of the truth of such sayings and beliefs. This phrase has been reworded many times but the truth remains, what we think about becomes part of what we believe and thus a part of who we are. As I watched someone struggle with the affects of dwelling on pain and heart ache I became very aware that we have so much more control than we give ourselves credit for. I have witnessed numerous times the amazing transformation of a person's life by the simple shift of their focus, thus changing their thoughts. Dr Wayne Dyer was the first person I ever heard quote "When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change." That was big for me. I began practicing this principle and making it a part of my life and it has truly blessed my life. I am not saying this is always "easy" but it is "simple". If there is a struggle with the change a person may have to re-commit to the change over and over but eventually the brain will accept the change as the new and steady way of viewing a situation or person. My awareness is now that this change happens much faster the more you can stay in a state of consciousness joy. Some may say this is "hard" and in the beginning that may be how one could describe it, but after some practice what was "hard" becomes so "natural" that it is second nature and thus not hard at all. Examples of this are ride a bicycle, learning to drive, doing multiplication, cooking, auto mechanics, and many more examples you may be thinking of from your own life. We do have power we are not using, we can change our thoughts (there are some exceptions to this, which I will not address at this time) but we have to make those changes in order for them to be in our lives.

My invitation to you today is to think about your life. Is there something or someone in your life who you view in a way that can be changed for the good? Would this change make your life easier and more joyful? If so, then go for it! Make the change and commit today to more joy and love. It can be as easy or difficult as you think it will be. I suggest believing in easy.

Commit to joy and play in laughter, you will be amazed by what will follow!
Wishing You Laughter and Joy

1 comment:

Angie K. Millgate said...

Hey, baby! YOU HAVE A BLOG! I had no idea.

Nice post, btw. I LOVE that I get to play with you and learn with you.

I wanna add you to my blog roll. You cool with that?

Love you!